After reading the Ferguson article. I have started to realize how multiple perspectives can affect the situation. It makes me think a lot harder about the community and groups that I keep around me or with which I join. I never stopped to think that people actually stick to the groups with which they are comfortable. Being Puerto Rican, I always grew up with other Puerto Rican people my entire life and never sought out other groups of people. Not because I've never cared about other groups or that I am not interested in them. But it just never seemed important to me to congregate with others unlike myself.
But after reading the article. I started to realize just how much this type of separation affects my point of view. Especially, how my point of view is affected when it comes to issues involving other cultures. When I first read about this case, I never thought twice about putting myself in the victims point of view. Truthfully, I would not know how to view the incident from that perspective nor can I say with certainty that I would do so.
However, I can understand how differing perspectives affect underlying issues of racism that have been fueling for years. Additionally, how social media assists in the spreading of information and the spread of a racial fire. But this not exactly help in the resolution of the issue. Because people tend to view things in their own perspectives, especially a video, and draw their own conclusions and run to action before they view all the perspectives and have all the correct details. People with the Ferguson case started to act and draw conclusions before they attained a lot of the information regarding the case. But that does not mean that the underlying racial issues were not appropriate.
Technology helped to bring to light with this Ferguson case the racism that has been brewing in that place for so long. Technology brought this to light and showed people including me that we have to look outside of ourselves and our close communities to understand the perspective of others and how they are affected. We can't just expect the world to treat others as it has treated us. It is only now that I am starting to comprehend what it is like to think that other people view and react to life in completely different ways than myself. I always thought that looking at the world through a different lens was by trying to think and see from a female's perspective. But after reading Ferguson, I can see that it is a good approach but a limited one if I don't put myself in others views without simply considering gender.
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